Britannica defines family as, “a group of persons united by the ties of marriage, blood, or adoption, constituting a single household and interacting with each other in their respective social positions, usually those of spouses, parents, children, and siblings.”
Effective interaction within the family makes happy families. These interactions or communication within the family need to involve all the members of the family individually and corporately.
Happy families are united around the following interactions
First, having a spiritual connection through talking and listening to God on daily basis. You have heard it said that a family that prays together stays together. Praying has often been taken as talking to God. Prayer is much more than just talking to God. Prayer is a conversation with God. It involves listening to his response to our prayers. God talks to us primarily through his Word. It is therefore important for every family that prays together to listen to God consistently and systematically through personal and family devotions. There are many tools that help the family in this important aspect of interaction. Top on the list is listening to teachings through the Bible every five years in your heart language here.
Secondly, a family needs to plan together. Having a written plan is one of the baby steps in wealth creation according to Dave Ramsey, a well-known Christian teacher on money matters. The minimum plan a person and a family can do is a budget. A budget is telling your money where to go instead of asking where it has gone. Many of the reasons for divorce would be resolved with communication around a budget in addition to staying connected spiritually.
Thirdly, a family is part of a community. No matter how much resources a family has, there will always be a gap that can only be filled with what another family has. Families need to learn together, grow together in marriages and develop together economically through exchange of resources. The budget is effective only when other families are involved.
Why not get ahead with effective interactions through healing groups at your community? Contact us for one hour healing session virtually or physically. Physical sessions will need facilitation for travel and related expenses.
Photo by David Beale on Unsplash