Five Important Principles For a Christian Leader

For a leader to be deemed a Christian, he or she is characterized by;


God is love. To the world, the word “love” may imply weakness. A strong leader is recognized for accomplishing great things.

In Scripture, the word “love” is not only feeling-based but a character attribute. A God-fearing leader seeks and maintains an ongoing, intimate relationship with God and lives out of an overflowing relationship with Him. This shows up in his love for his followers, which is not apparent in world leaders.


A humble leader surrenders to God as creator and to Christ as Lord. He understands that all creation belongs to God, and he controls it through Christ and his followers. He attributes his successes to God and learns from his failures to trust God for redirection.

A humble leader willingly admits his or her weaknesses and mistakes. He accepts dissenting opinions and gives credit and recognition freely. He also engages the right people in the right roles and allows them the freedom to perform.


A faithful leader lives for an audience of God and seeks to be a wise and faithful steward. He or she is faithful in little things, other people’s things, and therefore in spiritual matters. Little things may include using the right measures in business and keeping proper books of accounting. When he or she is employed, a faithful leader is accountable for the time of the employer as well as for excellence in performance. A leader who is not able to lead his or her own family is not faithful in little things like a family and would not be faithful to a large community.


A leader with integrity acknowledges that God knows all things, including his thoughts and feelings. A leader with integrity produces the fruit of the Holy Spirit, especially self-control, so that he or she does not manipulate his or her followers with half-truths or white lies. He or she does not promise what he or she cannot deliver. For instance, most leaders are voted in on the premise of job creation. The Bible talks about plenty of labour, but a scarcity of labourers. A leader with integrity knows that labour has already been provided, and his role is to facilitate equipping for the same.


Jesus provided a model for leadership when he said that he did not come to be served, but to serve. World leaders run for office so that they are served and worshipped by their followers. A Christian leader strives to serve his followers by delivering quality goods and services with the resources under his control.

A servant leader organizes his community to use the resources at their disposal as economically as possible. Where more resources are needed, a servant leader is at the forefront in raising the resources with prayer and planning.

In conclusion, a Christian leader is first God-fearing, humble, faithful, with integrity, and finally a servant of those he leads.

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Photo by Dawn McDonald on Unsplash


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