Family Counseling

Family Counselling

Every family has a story of traumatic experiences either through one person or through the whole family. When an individual has experienced traumatic experience such as an accident or chronic illness, the family members may also get secondary trauma or become overloaded as they care for the traumatized family member.

Effective family counseling is able to identify the symptoms of trauma such as anger, denial and hopelessness. Trauma healing program has a lesson on Care for the Caregiver where the family members learn simple steps of taking care of themselves as the help the traumatized family member. The steps may include referral for one on one counseling or virtual counseling which has proven to be equally effective.

In my practice, I have counseled families who have lost a loved one and may not have been in a position to attend a healing group due to the intensity of their grief. The story of Job with his three “miserable comforters” has helped many participants to become empathetic with those who are grieving and thus contributing to our vision of harmonious living.

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